Wow, this is pretty cool...

So, you may have noticed the blog I posted earlier about the fun cupcakes I made from the Hello, Cupcake! book by Karen Tack & Alan Richardson. Well, an interesting thing happened because of it...

When I went to put my new post up about the tomatoes I noticed that someone had posted a comment about the cupcakes. I checked it out and you'll never guess who the comment was from,

"Hi Megan,

I am one of the authors of Hello, Cupcake! Wasn't Karen great on the Martha Show on April Fool's Day? I saw your Sleepover Cupcakes and think they look really great. I am especially impressed that you customized them so they would look like each kid. I bet they got a real kick out of them, sounds like you did too. I would like to put your Sleepover cupcake photo on our blog at along with some of your comments on making them. I think our readers would really enjoy seeing them. Let me know if I have your permission.

Keep on cupcaking!

How cool is that!! So I responded to Alan Richardson's request and sent him a bunch of the photos I took of the cupcakes. Anyways, I checked their blog today [Hello, Cupcake!] and they've got my pictures and a link to my blog front-and-center. It is so cool! Now I can't wait to make more cupcakes!!

The Bugz
This was sure a great way to start what turned out to be a pretty fun day. So after, ohing and awing over the blog stuff I headed out to Ryan Elementary School for my nephew Ethan's 2nd grade musical (still gunning for that "Best Aunt of the Year" award). Man, with the crowd that was there at the school you'd think that Pavarotti was making a come back performance (literally;)). But you have to figure there were almost 100 2nd graders "performing" so there would be almost as many parents. The theme was "BUGZ". It was a pretty cute performance with all the kids dressed up as different bugs, singing catchy little tunes, and quickly spouting out one-line dialogs. Of course, I thought Ethan was the best performer by far. I wonder why we never had "musicals" when I was in 2nd grade. And now that I think about, I don't know anyone else who ever had a "musical" in elementary school. I do remember my parents suffering through an orchestra concert or two. Anyways, a big BRAVO! goes out to Ethan for his performance as a yellow-jacket.