Giving it another try...

It would seem that everyone has a personal blog but me. I guess that means it's about time I get one. This seems to be precedence set early on in my life. Things become popular and then I finally catch on -- i.e. it took me about a year before I got my own cabbage patch kid.
Anyways, here I am. So for those of my fabulous friends and family that I am horrible about keeping in touch with, hopefully this can provide a bit about where I am and what I'm doing (for what it's worth).
Here are just a few of the highlights...

1. I'm still living in Arizona. I'm sharing an apartment with an old roommate from BYU. I couldn’t ask for a better roommate and we love our apt. location.

2. I’ve recently undergone a pretty big life change – I quit my job. It was just time to move on. And the real kicker is…I don’t have another job yet. So I am now enjoying a period of unemployment, meaning time to catch up on craft projects, time to do some hiking and camping with my dad (he quit too!), time to have lunches with my friends, time to read those books I’ve been meaning to get to, and time to start my own little business. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I see my period of unemployment coming to and end soon (I’ve got an interview this afternoon). But, I’m enjoying it while I can.

3. Yes, I am still SINGLE! Agghh, I promise it’s not a terminal illness. I’m out there looking, but just haven’t seemed to find the right man. I am entertaining all possibilities, so if you know of anyone let me know!

4. I’m a member of a LDS single adult ward in Tempe. I’m currently the Enrichment Leader (I think this is my 3rd time in this calling. I might actually be getting the hang of it.) I LOVE the ward and the sisters in the RS are amazing.

5. I’m actively campaigning for the “Best Aunt in the World” award. I now have 11 nieces and nephews and 8 of the 11 live here in AZ with me. That means I get to see them pretty often and I love it. They are by far my favorite subjects to photograph and scrapbook.

6. The other big change in my life has been my health. A little over a year ago I decided enough is enough and got myself into a gym and hired a personal trainer. So here I am today, 45 lbs slimmer and able to bench 100 lbs (I’m also squatting about 120 lbs, yahoo!) and still going strong. I’ve also joined Weight Watchers, and love the change in my health. As I mentioned earlier, I’m now doing some hiking and really enjoying myself. Life is Good!

7. The other passion in my life is still SCRAPBOOKING! Yep, I’m still doing it. This, I might consider, is a terminal illness – I’ll probably be scrapbooking until I die. I’ve started an online club on – East Valley Scrabbook Guild – and we’ve got a little over 100 members. I coordinate monthly crops so all of my fellow junkies can get together to do scrapbooking. I’m trying to parlay it all into a small business where I set up scrapbooking crops, with all the bells and whistles, for money. Keep your fingers crossed because I’ve got my first business crop in May. In the meantime, I find time to do my own work, to travel to scrapbook conferences, and try to get publish.

Well, I think that's probably more than you wanted to know! I'll check back again soon and fill ya in on any changes. Ciao!


Rick & Diana said...

FINALLY I can find out about your life, since your awfull at keeping in touch!! I am also so proud of you for going to the gym! I am totally trying to do that also. It will be a lifetime goal that will probably take a lifetime to accomplish.
Love, Diana

jeana said...

Yay! i love a good blog :)