Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes!

So, I'm now in love with cupcakes! I was watching Martha Stewart the other day and she had a guest on, Karen Tack, who had written a new book on cupcakes -- "Hello, Cupcake!". And the cupcakes she made were amazing!! So unbelievably creative.

Of course, I had to buy my own copy of the book. Today I made my first batch of amazing cupcakes and they turned out even better than I was expecting. I did the "slumber party" for a sleep over my mom is going to have tomorrow with a few of my nieces and nephews. I made a replica of each person. The blankets are made of Starbursts and the heads of each person is a vanilla wafer. It was a blast -- though a little time consuming. And truthfully speaking, I doubt the little kids will even care.


Alan said...

Hi Megan,

I am one of the authors of Hello, Cupcake! Wasn't Karen great on the Martha Show on April Fool's Day? I saw your Sleepover Cupcakes and think they look really great. I am especially impressed that you customized them so they would look like each kid. I bet they got a real kick out of them, sounds like you did too. I would like to put your Sleepover cupcake photo on our blog at along with some of your comments on making them. I think our readers would really enjoy seeing them. Let me know if I have your permission.

Keep on cupcaking!