The need to craft

The need to craft just may be genetic. I went to JoAnn's today with my mom to get fabric to make a new purse. My mom was buying material to sew herself a new shirt and also buying yarn to make lei's for the Malo family renion. Crafting is definitely one thing that my mother and I share -- along with my sister, Kiki.
Anyways, I talked my cousin, Jeana, (again...maybe the genetics) into coming over and sewing a new bag too. We had a blast and made ADORABLE new purses. Fortunately, these are really simple purses to sew. The most time consuming part being the cutting and ironing. They make great Sunday bags. There is just something very satisfying about creating something from raw material.

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." - Mary Lou Cook


Jani said...

Megan, so good to hear from you (and about you)! I've added your blog to my google reader so I'll be updated whenever you post. You can check me out at to see what I'm up to most days. :)

Oh, and the ID says Janiece, but it's really just Jan Wickel. :)

Rick & Diana said...

Anytime you want to make and send a bag to me I wouldn't turn it away!! Oh the things we inherit from our mothers. Could be worse. We could be telling the same stories over and over again, maybe in time......