Happy Birthday, Jeff!

Today is my youngest brother's 27th birthday. Happy Birthday, Jeff! Those of you who know Jeff, know that he LOVES video games. For his birthday I made him cupcakes...with a twist. You may, or may not, also know that Wii just came out with a new game, "Super Smash Brothers Brawl", and of course my brothers were very anxious about its arrival. So, you ask "what does Jeff's birthday, cupcakes, and Super Smash Brothers Brawl have to do with each other?" I'll show you...

So I made these cupcakes to resemble some of the Super Smash Brother Brawl characters. You have to see the real characters they are patterned after to appreciate their creativity. So here's a comparison.

The noses - for both the Mario Brothers and Yoshi -- are made from donut holes. The Mario Brothers' hats are made from "orange slice" candies, which are of course different colors. The brown hair for the Ice Climbers and Mario Brothers are made from tootsie rolls. And Picho's ears are made from sugar crisp cookies rimmed with chocolate. And a big thanks to my mom for frosting Yoshi. Needless to say the kitchen was a mess after we made these little characters.

These cupcakes were a fun challenge and I think they turned out pretty well. My brother sure seemed to appreciate them. My mom, dad, and I dropped them off at his house. Here's the birthday boy with his cute wife Ellie.
Jeff said they looked yummy, and Ellie said he wasn't allowed to eat them cuz they were so cute. Jeff reminded her that it was his birthday! :) Happy Birthday, Jeff.


Paula said...

Megan, thank you for introducing me to "Hello, Cupcake"! I just gave it as a wedding gift this weekend, and I was so excited about it!
