Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince -- more popular than Star Wars

Here are some interesting bits of information I learned from a recent article on Yahoo!
  • "Collectively, the five movies so far are the second most successful series worldwide in cinema history, beating "Star Wars" and "Lord of the Rings." Only James Bond has earned more money (just over $5 billion, not adjusted for inflation), and with the upcoming release of "Half-Blood Prince," Harry Potter ($4.5 billion) is sure to jump ahead into the top slot."
  • The Harry Potter films have been not only commercial successes but critical successes as well.
Opening Weekend & Final World Wide Gross Earnings:
  • HP & the Sorcerer's Stone: OW: $90,294, 621 Final: $974,733,550
  • HP & the Chamber of Secrets: OW: $88,357,488 Final: $878,643,482
  • HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban: OW: $93,687,367 Final: $795,634,069
  • HP & the Goblet of Fire: OW: $102,685,961 Final: $895,921,036
  • HP & the Order of the Phoenix (5-day weekend): OW: $139,715,157 Final: $938,212,738
Here's the newest trailer for the 6th installment of the Harry Potter series:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I can't wait to see it! (Though I'm a little confused at the PG rating...seems a little intense for that.)


Natalie said...

Did you see Anth's post? He can hardly wait to go! It's almost funny how giddy he gets when he sees the trailer!

I have to say {for someone who hasn't read the books}, I do enjoy the movies! So I guess I'm a bit excited too!