Happy Birthday, Jeffie!

Today is Jeffrey's birthday. It's a little late in the day, but I still wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday and share with you a bit about my youngest brother, along with some great photos...heheheheh!

1. I'm the one that named Jeffrey.2. He was like our own live doll when he was a baby. My sister and I loved to play with him, dress him up, and drag him everywhere.3. Way before Guitar Hero ever came around, back when we were teenagers, Jeff would play "rock band" with me. He'd play his trap set and I'd play the key board and we'd try to play cheezy rock songs.

4. If Jeff ever says, "Come play video games with me." What he really means is "Come let me beat the pants off you in the game that I am an expert at." He's constantly looking for new victims/opponents. The best solution is to just say "OK", play for the 3 minutes it takes for you to "die" repeatedly, and get it over with.4. Jeffrey is one of the smartest people I know. I try not to tell him that too often, because it will go to his head. :)Happy Birthday, Jeff! I love ya lots!


Donna said...

Nice tribute to your little brother!
Auntie Donna

The Payne family said...

I'm so glad that you made a birthday post for him, I wanted to but never got around to it with all the other party stuff I had going!! You are so sweet and thoughtful Meg, thanks for the pics...they were to cute! Jeffie says thank you too! :)

{Jeff+Elisa} said...

Ha ha...so my friend was on our lap top checking her blog and she never "officially" signed out of it and I didn't know that so the post above is really from me and not some stalker-ish person who wanted to say happy birthday to Jeff!! Weird.