A Feast for the Senses -- My New Food Blog

I've decided to move all of my food blogging to a separate blog. As I looked back over my blog it would seem that every other post is about food, so I'm going to move that topic to a different blog and leave Megan's Corner to focus on my life, rather than on my stomach. :) Now don't think I'm separating food from my life...rather I'm giving the food the individual attention it deserves. So head on over and check it out.

http://cre8toeat.blogspot.com -- A Feast for the Senses


Merfy said...

That is great! I can't wait to see and try all your great recipes. I bought strawberries yesterday to try your strawberry one. I think I will go down and try it now!

kimber said...

I'm always looking for new food dishes to try. I always get in the rut of cooking the same 4 meals over and over. So thanks in advance for sharing your wonderful food expertise.

{Jeff+Elisa} said...

Meg, I can see your food blog being a hit in no time!! I can't wait to check it out and to try more of your recipes, granted they might not turn out as well as you cook them but I will try!! Slowly but surely I think I might be developing that Schaub cooking talent that you all have.

Oh, and I would seriously love to give you sparkly eyes whenever you want, I love doing other people's make up!! I'm sure Audrey will be asking me for some "gwitter" sometime soon too!! :)


Jessica said...

You are SO talented, Megan!!! I seriously see a lot of recipes that I want to try.

Rachelle said...

Hey I tried to get to your blog from your link but it said it didn't exist. Tell me what is up. I want to put in on pantryeats.