Zack, Zack, Zack

Saturday, after the yard sale, my mom and I went to watch Zack play soccer. He personally invited us! His game started at 1pm and so, being behind schedule, we arrived on the soccer field at 1:30pm, figuring that we'd catch the final half of his game. We were wrong. We got there in time to watch Zack finish eating his Doritos and cheer on his other team mates in the final 5 minutes of the game. During which Zack's team scored two goals -- on themselves. Did I mention they are all only 5. Apparently at this age they are still learning the fundamentals of the game.
Anyways, Zack was excited to see us and we promised to attend another game so that we could actually see him play.
Of course, I did find time to whip out the old camera and take some shots.
I wanted to tell you a few of the reasons why I LOVE ZACK:
  1. Zack is passionate about everything he does. He throws his whole heart and soul into each activity he participates in.
  2. Zack can focus on a project with unbelievable single mindedness. When he puts together his amazing Lego creations he can focus for hours. It is remarkable.
  3. Zack always has a hug for me.
  4. Zack as the best smile. It spreads from ear to ear.
  5. When Zack was a baby he had the biggest cheeks of any baby I have ever seen. We used to love squeezing them.
  6. Zack a wonderful little boy and we are very lucky to have him in our family!


{Jeff+Elisa} said...

Agreed...I love that kid so much!!! They all make me smile and I'm so glad that I have nieces and nephews now!! :)

My fav thing about Zack is that Jamie said he had a crush on me, so for the longest time he would not say hi and would just run and hide underneath the kitchen table! And the way he talks just melts your heart... and how could you not love him when he wears that little spider man eye patch?

P.S. Next time you go to a soccer game I want to come with...I usually am so bored on Saturdays!!

Jamie Schaub said...

Megan! Your pictures are sooo good! Thanks for being such a good aunt to my babies! And I should add something I love about Zack too, he's my mama's boy, and I love it! He says when he gets married he promises to never move out. He still sleeps with me more nights than not, and is the best snuggler! What a lucky mom I am! :)

Natalie said...

So cute! I love to see these pics. I rarely get caught up on other family members. Thanks for keeping us linked!