I've been TAGGED

I've been tagged by three different people...Diana, Deena, and Ellie. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I really enjoyed reading everyone elses "tagged" items so I thought ya'll might like to see what I have to write about.

7 Random/Weird Facts About Me

1. I have a problem collecting cups in my bedroom. Huh?!?, you ask. I have a tendency to get a cup of water and take it to my bedroom to drink while I'm getting ready for work/getting ready for bed/cleaning/reading/etc. Then I never remember to take it back to the kitchen. Pretty soon I've got like 8 or 9 cups sitting in my room. Eventually I've got to collect them all, and take them back to the kitchen for washing.

2. I LOVE action and superhero movies. In fact, I don't really like chic flicks, and romantic comedies are usually annoying more than they are appealing. I LOVE watching things like Bourne Identity (loved all three movies), Iron Man, Transformers, Van Helsing, X-Men, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Casino Royal, etc.

3. When I get very, very nervous or anxious (or unsure of myself) I hum. I don't actually hum any tune or anything recognizable. I just hum. I guess it helps to take my mind of whatever is bothering me.

4. Last year during a routine physical exam with my doctor, she found two lumps in my left breast. I had to do the whole mammogram & ultrasound thing. And eventually I had 4 small biopsy done. Fortunately they were diagnosed as benign masses. However, I'm now on the Breast Center's hit list so I've got to go in every year for a mammogram. It's one of the only things that mars the month of October. :(

5. I love jewelry. I guess because it's one of the few things that tends to fit me no matter what. Despite being poor as a church mouse, I find that I can still accumulate jewelry at a surprising rate. Most of all I enjoy picking up jewelry when I travel. I love having the travel memory associated with a piece of jewelry. That way every time I wear it I can recall the wonderful memories associated with it.

6. I once read a Reader's Digest article about a women who kept a personal record of "50 Things I Want To Do Before I Die". I've always remembered the article and I've got my own list of 50 Things. One of my "things" is to cook/bake something so well that I feel confident entering it in a contest.

7. I LOVE learning new things. It's actually one of my life's passions. It doesn't really matter what it is, I want to learn about. I tend to ask people all kinds of questions and I enjoy all those "How Is It Made" shows on TV. It almost this compulsion I have to learn about everything. I could sit and pick someone's brain for hours about what they do. Last time I went to my eye doctor's I sat and asked him all about what happens physiologically to your eyes and vision as you age. It was a very interesting conversation!

Well I think that's enough about me and I'm sure I have once again confirmed that I am WEIRD!

Now I get to tag 7 other people. I'm not even sure that there are 7 people who read my blog. Oh well, I'll try. I tag...Kiki, Jeanna, Natalie, Kimber, Susan, Jamie, and Heather.


Melissa Yergensen said...

Those ARE some random facts! :) I love #7, it reminds me of your dad. #2 reminded me of when you were in love with X-Files and David Duchovny ... did you see the new movie? I couldn't get anyone to go with me! Anyways, these were great!

Natalie said...

Megs- I loved your 7 facts about you. I just got tagged a little bit ago, so don't want to bore everyone again and post MORE weird things about me. But thanks for thinking of me and tagging me. Maybe next time...Happy Halloween!

kimber said...

Wow, those are all interesting things I did not know about you. Dave brings a cup of water to bed every night and never takes it back to the kitchen too.
I did a similar tag just not too long ago if you look down on my posts.

{Jeff+Elisa} said...

Oh Megan I love it, I'm glad that you did the tag! I love how you always ask questions when you talk to people because it really does who your genuine concern for others. You do have some of the best jewelry! I hope Kiki does the tag!