Aunt Megan's Annual Halloween Party

It's that time of year...Aunt Megan's Annual Halloween Party! Unfortunately this years festivities were rather tame because I'm just getting over the flu. Yuk! Anyways, last night we all met at my parents house for a spooky supper and some fun and games. The decorations this year were fairly limited to a blowup-glowing pumpkin in the front yard (my mom's newest purchase), some spiders and pumpkins in the dining room and a few rats, spiders, and owls scattered in the entrance.

However, it seems to me that the kids really don't care what decorations are in place. They were much more concerned with their light-sabers, crowns, and Zurg hoods. The crew was dressed to the 9s. Jamie and Reed always have the best costumes for the family. Two years ago they were the Incredible family (the whole family) and this year it was the "Attack of the Clones" with a little old school Darth Vadar thrown in. They looked FABULOUS and the kids LOVED their light-sabers. Justin and Rachel brought the Toy Story crew. Rachel got Jacob the coolest Emperor Zurg costume from eBay (note to self and others: check out eBay for costumes at a screaming good price) and Tyler still loves Buz. That also gives Tyler and Jacob a good excuse to wrestle. Little Kara spent about 60 seconds as a puppy dog, but much preferred just being an adorable baby girl. And Austin has been Spider Man for the past two weeks, ever since Rachelle and Ryan got him the costume. He's got all the Spider Man stances and web slinging motions down now.

The kids loved the treasure hunt, including clues and treasure maps. The annual donut eating contest was a huge hit, again! We still haven't mastered the "no hands" rule, but we keep hoping every year. And last but not least, a little eyeball relay.
All in all it was another successful Halloween party!Left to right: Spider Man (Austin), Ellie (Little Red Riding Hood), Audrey (Fancy Nancy), Aniken (Ethan), Paduwan ? (Kaylie), Zack (Obi Wan), Reed (Darth Vadar), Jamie (Amidala?)
Happy Halloween!


Rick & Diana said...

I love the little one in the pull up and glasses! Sounds like so much fun. I love Halloween. What a good Auntie you are!

wix said...

Fabulous! So fun---I think the boys and Dad all look alike when they do the donut contest together. The kids look SOOO cute! So sad we missed out again! I can't show my kids these pictures because I'd never hear the end of it---they'd all want to move in with their Auntie Megan! Way to go, Megs! Thanks for the prompt posting of pics/journaling! Love ya, Kiki

Merfy said...

I love that you dress up and play with the kids. Remember dressing up in YW when Sister Dexter was Miss Halloween! Great memories!

{Jeff+Elisa} said...

One more thing Megan, I tagged you on my blog! Hopefully you haven't been tagged for this one yet! :)

Rushton's said...

So much fun! You are the coolest aunt. Halloween is the best! Sounds like you guys had a blast, looks like it too!

Melissa Yergensen said...

What a good aunt you are! This looks like so much fun!! I loved the pic of the boys and the donuts, that would have been fun to watch.