Proud to be an AMERICAN!

I woke up this morning at 4:30am. I started my day with fervent prayer and then got ready to head to the voting polls. I was outside of the East Valley Bible church on Elliot Rd. between Country Club and McQueen by 5:30am. I was probably about the 30th person in line. So I stood outside in the dark for another 30 minutes while I watched the line behind grow, and grow, and grow. By the time they opened the doors at 6:00am there were probably 150-200 people in line to vote. Fortunately, they divided our group up -- come to find out there were two precincts voting there (one from Mesa and one from Gilbert) -- so I ended up being about 12th in line. I eventually made it up to the check-in table and gave them my driver's license (I still can't figure out how people have so much confusion regarding what ID they must present at the polls. You've got months to figure it out -- there are no surprises!). I'm given my ballot and I head to a booth to fill it out.

It's hard to explain the feelings I have when I vote. I am so proud to be an American. I hold my right to vote as sacred. I am blessed to live in this country and therefore have a responsibility to be a conscientious citizen. It is my duty and my privileged to vote. So I do...

I hope that you voted today as well!


Anonymous said...

I agree, Megan, it is such a good feeling to go and vote! I love to play an active role. I can't wait to find out the outcome!