A little elbow grease and love

I got over my mad pretty quickly yesterday, thankgoodness, with a sure fire cure for all-things-upsetting...SERVICE! Our ward had a service project planned for Saturday morning. We were helping Saving Arizona Families, an organization that helps homeless families (they must have children) find a temporary place to live (no more than 2 years) while they receive counseling and services which address the cause of their homelessness (i.e. - bad financial management, domestic violence, etc.). It's a FABULOUS organization!

We helped them clean up 2 of their duplex units which they provide to families. It was a great experience and I was able to take out some of my frustrations on a dirty,crusty,greasy stove...ahhh! Here are some shots of my ward members as they all "whistled while they worked."I definitely need to do this more often!