A Wish List That Should Have You Scared -- And Furious!

This is a great article that reviews some of the "highlights" of the proposed "Stimulus Package" as designed by our congress and president. Thanks a lot...we need this like we need a hole in the head!

Wall Street Journal Article -- "A 40-Year Wish List"

Here are a few of the highlights...
  • "$1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that hasn't turned a profit in 40 years.
  • $2 billion for child-care subsidies.
  • $50 million for that great engine of job creation, the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • $400 million for global-warming research and another $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects
  • Congress wants to spend $600 million more for the federal government to buy new cars. Uncle Sam already spends $3 billion a year on its fleet of 600,000 vehicles.
  • Congress also wants to spend $7 billion for modernizing federal buildings and facilities.
  • $82.7 billion in refundable tax credit (again no jobs created with this).
  • $1 billion on nutrition programs
  • Another "stimulus" secret is that some $252 billion is for income-transfer payments -- that is, not investments that arguably help everyone, but cash or benefits to individuals for doing nothing at all"
"...Only $90 billion out of $825 billion, or about 12 cents of every $1, is for something that can plausibly be considered a growth stimulus." And this is after they took out the line item for $100 million towards contraceptive distribution and education (the Democrats call it "preventative, cost-saving health care...to prevent unplanned pregnancies and promote maternal and infant health.") Congress and Pres. Obama are apparently banking on the fact that Americans (at least the 55% -- or whatever-- who voted for Obama) don't look to deeply at the fine print.

This all makes me sick. We're perpetuating poverty-mentality, increasing the power and scope of a morally corrupt and greedy conglomerate of politicians, and weakening the very foundation upon which this country was founded. I do not want a bunch of self-aggrandizing-political-prevaricators taking more of my hard earned money to hand out to people and causes THEY deem worthy only to turn around and call me "racist," "bigoted," or "ignorant" for not offering up my whole-hearted support for their "magnanimous" efforts. AGGHHH!!!!

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. :)


Natalie said...

Ahhhh....THANK YOU! I couldn't agree more!