Sweet things in life

On Saturday my mom made gingerbread houses with some of the grandkids. It's something she tries to do every year. She carries on the tradition she started when my brothers, sister and I were young. Every Christmas she would make (from scratch) the COOLEST gingerbread house you ever saw. Every kid in the neighborhood would come over to see our gingerbread house. Now, because of shear number, she buys a couple of kits, but puts just as much love and attention into assembling them with the munchkins.

Saturday was also the day for sewing. I've decided to make all the Christmas presents I giving out this year (ambition with a touch of lunacy). Saturday I sewed adorable pillow cases and 2 aprons. I'm now seamstress, but I think they all turned out adorable. Now I just have to finish all the others gifts on my list.


Natalie said...

LOVE the homemade gifts! That's awesome! Am I on your list?? Just kidding!

Unknown said...

Natalie: I am not even in the same ballpark as you when it comes to sewing skills. I bow to your superiority! In fact someday I hope to be as good as you.

kimber said...

Wow, that's quite the gingerbread house! But anything would look better than our attempt.
Hey did you get my last comment? Will you please email me the pictures of Thanksgiving of my family? Thanks I'de appreciate it. Have a great Christmas!!