Most of you who know me know that I am passionate about voting. I believe that it is an honor, privilege, and blessing to be a citizen of this great nation. I also believe that as with all blessings there comes a responsibility. My responsibility as a citizen of the United States of America is to be an educated voter and VOTE. The direction that this country takes as it relates to economic, political, social, and religious avenues rests upon the shoulders of its citizen. Some may argue that it rests on the over inflated egos of American politicians, but I argue that they did not become politicians on their own -- they were voted into office.
This November, there will be many issues at stake. Every vote makes a difference -- my vote is important, as is each of yours.
A friend of mine had this great link on her website and I was very impressed by its message. I am not Catholic, as you well know. However, the message in this video clip is pertinent to all US citizens. Get out and VOTE!


Rick & Diana said...

Megan, That video was so good! It IS so important that people get educated and vote! Thanks for sharing. On another note, you changed your blog! I miss seeing your face when I log on :) Have a great Day!