
So I was "Tagged" by my good friend Heather. I normally don't do these types of things, but I've found that they actually make pretty good personal history records, cuz I sure-as-shootin' haven't written any of this stuff anywhere else. Apparently I'm supposed to answer the following:

20 years ago...

  1. I was 13 and couldn't wait to be 14 so that I could go to the church dances.
  2. My family moved from 1642 W. Plana to our "new" house on Kiowa.
  3. I spent most of my weekends babysitting and earning about $1.50 and hour.

10 years ago...

  1. I had been home from my mission 8 months.
  2. I was getting ready to head-off to BYU to start my degree program in Anthropology.
  3. I thought that I would probably be married in the next year or so.

5 years ago...

  1. I had just finished my Master's degree in Anthropology/Archaeology the year before.
  2. My father just hired me to work at Schaub Financial, Inc.
  3. I hoped I would be married in the next year or so.

3 years ago...

  1. I took a trip to England and Italy with my aunt and uncle.
  2. I served as the education counselor in the University 6th ward RS presidency.
  3. I figured that I need to be happy regardless of my marital status (without giving up hope).

1 year ago…

  1. I talked my mom, Kiki, and sister-in-law Rachel into going to England with me and had a BLAST!
  2. Joined the entire family in, what was to be one of my favorite vacations ever, a five day trip to Sea World and Disneyland. (We stayed in the Paradise Pier at Disneyland and loved the entire time spent in Disneyland.)
  3. Decided that I need to do something about my health & weight and started working out with a personal trainer and lifting weights. I found that after much work, sweat, and pain, the reward is worth it.

So far this year…

  1. I’ve quit my job, been unemployed for 5 ½ months, and found the job I’m supposed to have.
  2. My great grandmother, Eva Malo, who was 99 passed away. She was to turn 100 in October and we were going to go to Hawaii to celebrate with family.
  3. I spent an amazing week in New Mexico getting reacquainted with my Johnson relatives and white-water-rafting down the Rio Grande (AWESOME)!


  1. I spent the entire day holed up in my room because I had a really bad cold. (I’m feeling better today, thanks.)
  2. I watched, and cringed through, the women’s gymnastic routines in the Olympics.
  3. I had to find someone to play the piano for my in Relief Society, because I’m the RS pianist.

In the Next Year…

  1. I’m going to the New Kids on the Block concert with my favorite NKOTB companion, Heather!!
  2. I will continue to improve my health and physical well-being.
  3. I will continue to find joy in life (and opportunities to scrapbook it).


wix said...

Love it! You're such a fun person! You've really accomplished so much and made lots of fun trips for the rest of us non-planners! We're so lucky to have you in our family! Kiki