Flashback Friday - Girls Camp 1987

Do you remember your first year of Girls Camp? For me it happened in 1987 and I was 12 turning 13 in October. Meredith Peterson and Becky Leathem and I were the only 1st years. We went up to R-C, the Boy Scout camp along the Mogollon Rim. I vividly remember pitching our tent at the bottom of a hill and not digging a trench around it. That first night there was a horrible rain storm and I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to feel water splashing around my sleeping bag. I just so happened to be sleeping on a giant piece of foam which acted like a great big sponge. There was no getting back to sleep after that, so my tent mates and I scrambled up the hill to make our beds in the spider infested addies. Boy did we have a lot of fun. Here are a few of the photos that captured that fun.

We competed against the other wards in a cake decorating contest. Left to right (as best I can remember)...Becky Leathem, Michelle Powell, Katrina Ritman, ?, Carrie Thompson, Me, and Katrina.
To pass our first aid certification we had to participate in a first aid day. I love this photo because Calli epitomizes all-things-fashionable in 1987 -- Big bangs with big hair bow. buttoned up shirt all the way to the collar with a broach at the collar, pegged pants, slouched socks that are the exact same color as the shirt and white keds. Gotta LOVE it!!!!
Left to right -- Stacy Edman, Heather Hillier, ?, Me, Calli Jorgensen.
I built some last friendship with the girls in my ward back then. They made my teen years thoroughly enjoyable, completely fun, and always interesting. Viva la YW of Alma 2nd ward!


Natalie said...

Oh, the glorious camp days! I actually only went to camp once. But I have to say you look darling girl! Just be glad you're not the one with the flashy red socks! IF I were to look back on my old pics....I'd be the one with the flashy red socks! hee hee