A Good Clean Move

So I helped a friend move into her new home this morning. It was actually the easiest move I've ever helped with.

My biggest nightmare when I hear someone ask, "Can you help me move?" is showing up to help and the person hasn't even started to pack. AGGHH!!! I just want to turn around and leave and say "call me when you're really ready to move."

Definitely not the case today. It took 3 of us (interesting how NONE of the priesthood showed up to help) about 15 minutes to load things in to 3 cars. Her roommates brothers came and loaded up a bed and dresser in to the back of their truck and we hauled everything over to my friend's new house and unloaded in 15 minutes.

That's my kind of move. It also inspired me to go home and clean my room.

Have a great Saturday!