Slowman's Ironman

I'm getting back into training. I fell of the wagon for about a month. But I'm still planning on doing the Thanksgiving Day Sprint Triatholon and so it's back to work I go. It would seem that I'm not alone. A sister in my RS just mentioned that several ladies in our RS wanted to participate in what she calls the "Lazyman's Ironman". It essentially consists of doing all three evens in an ironman, with the regular distances of an ironman, only you do it over a 30-day period. This didn't sound like "lazyman's" anything to me. So instead I'm calling it the Slowman's Ironman.

Anyway, you're all welcome to join me. You have 30-days to complete the "Ironman" race. You simply track each day that you do something, the distance that you did. We were given a like checksheet to mark off our progress. Being the anal-excel-obsessed person that I am, I created my own tracker on excel with formulas and everything. Here it is and you're welcome to use it:
Slowman's Ironman Tracker

You don't have to do something everyday, but unless you want to be doing "death-bed-repentance" the last week, and trying your best to complete a real ironman, I'd suggest setting up a schedule and being regular. Right now, I'm sticking to 4 days a week. As I get closer to race time, I'll bump it up to 5 days a week.

So, join me! Anyone can do it, honestly!
From tri family racing


Natalie said...

Yay! That sounds like a great idea! I'm training for a half marathon right now too, so I'll have to stick with the training program I've got. But someday I'll have to try that ironman program. I'm so excited you're still doing the tri! Any word on Kimber?....if she's not prego she should do it!! at least that's what she said!

happy training!

Melissa Yergensen said...

Sounds like fun! I think I will try it!!!! :)