The longest work day ever

Today was the longest work day ever in recorded history. It went by soooooooo slowly and seemed to stretch on f-o-r-e-v-e-r! You know those days when you didn't actually finish any one thing, just seemed to tackle a bunch of little tasks.

Fortunately someone took pity on me and brought in some cookies from Costco around 3pm. They were a life saver. After two of them I was able to go back to work, slightly revived.

It's amazing what chocolate chips can do for a person.


Natalie said...

gotta love chocolate!

Merfy said...

LOL!!! I could use some of those right now!

Donna said...

Why is it that time flies when you are having fun and when you're not it seems to stand still???
Oh, by the way in your blog before this one...canning peaches, I meant to tell you I have a canner just like Grandma's and I agree it is awesome(I bought mine when we lived in Oregon and I was canning almost everyday)! Hope you have more fun fleeting days at work!
Love you,
Auntie Donna