Halloween - Halloween - My Favorite Time of Year

I Love Halloween!

I really, really do! Who doesn't love a holiday where people give out free candy and you get to dress-up anyway you want, call it a costume, and wear it around all day and have people tell you how "Spectacular" you look. :)

I'm getting ready for my Annual Aunt Megan's Halloween Party, next Wednesday. And I decided I wanted another excuse to try some more Halloween recipes, and get more mileage out of my decorations, so I'm throwing a little Visiting Teacher "Gouhl's Night Out" with ghoulish desserts next week as well.

Here are the invitations to the Annual Aunt Megan Halloween Party:
I made little paper coffins, filled them with gold coins and skulls and pumpkin candy, and wrote the invite inside of the lid. The coffin was super easy to make. I got the pattern from Martha Stewart. Here's the coffin pattern. It would be totally cute with double-sided paper, maybe next year.

Then I found this awesome recipe for cinnamon candy popcorn - ya know that stuff the Harry & David's makes called Moose Munch that tastes wickedly good but they charge ya like $8 for a quarter-cup. Well, while cruising my favorite recipe photo site (admit it, you eat with your eyes first, if there isn't a great picture with the recipe you won't try it) Taste Spotting, I saw a recipe for the popcorn. The "Our Best Bites" site calls it "Cinnamon Carmel Corn with Pecans and White Chocolate" -- I call it freakin' delicious. So rather than post the recipe, I'm going to send you on over to Our Best Bites and just show you the pictures of the finished popcorn that I made today. I won't tell you the bowl is not empty, cuz it's not...I swear! ;)

I did add a small Halloween flair -- just before I drizzled the white chocolate on the cooled popcorn I tossed in Halloween m&m's and I also drizzled semi-sweet chocolate along with the white chocolate. Strictly for aesthetic reasons! ;)


Merfy said...

You are way too cute! Can I be your niece or VT too! I want to come to the party!

wix said...

I'd pay $8 a 1/4 cup! That looks good! Love your Halloween pics too!

Rushton's said...

Megan! FELLOW HALLOWEEN LOVER! Your parties are so cute. Wished we lived closer, we could have a crazy creepy bash that would be untouchable! hope you enjoyed the halloween season, we sure did. Lots of love -Tara