Tender Mercies of the Lord

Our family was the recipient of a miracle this week. My Grandma Johnson, who recently lost her husband to cancer, fell ill. After some tests, we were told she had pancreatic cancer and had a few weeks to a few months to live. I can not tell you what emotional pain that brought us. More tests were ordered, and we began to prepare for the worst.

Last Sunday, we all decided to fast for G'ma. Around dinner time my brother Reed and his wife Jamie brought their kids over to my parents house for Sunday dinner. They had told their kids about G'ma's, or as they call her "tutu"'s, condition. My eight year old nephew came down stairs to sit by me on the couch.

"Aunt Megan, guess what."
"What, Ethan?"
"My tutu has cancer, just like Papa did. We fasted and prayed for her today so she will get better and not die like papa did."
"That's wonderful Ethan. I know Heavenly Father will hear our prayers and bless Tutu."
"I know."
The faith of a child is humbling.

On Thursday, my mom and all of her siblings met in Houston to be with their mother as she underwent more tests. Thursday afternoon I received a text from my mother...
"Amazing answer to prayers!! It is not pancreatic cancer it is lymphoma which is highly treatable. Yeah!"

"Faith is a principal of action and of power." -- Elder Kevin W. Pearson

Now our prayers are that Tutu will be healed.


{Jeff+Elisa} said...

Meg! Did you get the scrapbook finished? I'm sure grandma loved it so much since we were not able to go down there with your Mom to Tx. It really was a miracle, I'm so glad that we were able to fast for her. It's so comforting knowing that she will be with us longer!

Donna said...

I am so touched by your story of Grandma...we too, love her and were praying and still are for her quick recovery!
She means so much to so many.
With Love,
Auntie Donna
PS I love the photo of you with Grandma...it is beautiful of both of you!

Merfy said...

Beautiful - thanks for sharing.

Natalie said...

thanks for sharing this tribute. grandma johnson is such a sweet heart. our prayers are with her.

i love the pic of you and her.